Parallel Computing

Reading time ~16 minutes

I am learning parallel computing this semester, and my project is to find the optimal solution of travelling salesman problem in parallel. Since it is a NP problem, improving the efficiency in algorithm will be extremely hard. In order to increase the performance, we make the computations in parallel. I will demonstrate two ways to implement it in parallel, one with openmp and one with MPI.

Due to the embarassingly parallel nature of this problem, linear speed up can be achieved through both methods.

Input: table of 13 cities and traveling costs, seperated by space

  13 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 
  A 0 3 4 2 9 5 8 17 123 43 9 8 7 
  B 2 0 3 12 15 7 8 9 4 5 4 3 1 
  C 9 5 0 31 8 6 7 5 67 9 10 12 8 
  D 1 9 2 0 81 10 2 18 124 5 5 76 4 
  E 1 2 3 4 0 1 123 12 4 99 46 24 3 
  F 10 9 5 4 3 0 9 99 3 23 44 66 77 
  G 123 2 4 6 8 10 0 9 1 2 22 35 62 
  H 8 78 20 38 40 19 7 0 3 4 14 25 64
  I 1 123 42 56 23 1 2 3 0 5 23 66 65 
  J 235 3 1 577 23 14 6 2 9 0 23 8 5 
  K 1 3 5 6 7 9 2 4 5 7 0 23 9 
  L 5 7 89 25 6 64 13 24 67 3 8 0 12
  M 23 67 25 85 42 85 65 32 79 3 25 11 0


OpenMP version

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <omp.h>
#define NUM_THREADS 8

int ** Cities;    // the table of cost
char * CityNames; // a list of city names
int * CityNumbers;
int * bestPath;     // a array indicating best path
int lowPrice=0;   // the lowest price possible
int numCities;
int * remains;
int ** eachPerm;  // permutation for each thread

int * Convert(int numToConvert)
// the digits of the array and the nth permutation you want
  remains =  (int *)malloc(numCities * sizeof(int));
  int * CNList = (int *)malloc(numCities * sizeof(int));

  for(int i=0; i<numCities; i++)
    int a = CityNumbers[i];
    CNList [i]= a;

  for (int i=0; i<numCities; i++)

  int numToDiv=1;
  int rem;
  int index=0;
  while(numToConvert > 0)
  //get the array of grab sequence
    rem = numToConvert % numToDiv;
    numToConvert = int(numToConvert / numToDiv);

  int len=numCities-1;

  int * result= (int *) malloc(numCities * sizeof(int));

  int k=0;
  for(int i=len; i >= 0; i--)
    // a = position to get from CNList

    int a= remains[i];
    int get = CNList[a];

    //printf("get: %d", get);

    for (int j=a; j<len; j++)
      //leave no holes
      CNList[j]= CNList[j+1];

    result[k] = get;
  return result;

int find(int id, int toWork)
  int total=0;
  int checked =0;

  for (int q = 0; q < toWork; q++)
    for (int i=0; i<numCities; i++)
      int from = eachPerm[id][i];
      int destination = eachPerm[id][(i+1)%numCities];  //return to the first city when get to the last one
      int trip = Cities[from][destination];
      total += trip;  //calculate the total price


    // printf("CPU %d is investigating the No.%d posible route: ", id, checked);
    // for (int i =0; i<numCities; i++)
    // {
    //  printf("%d", eachPerm[id][i]);
    // }
    // printf(", this route cost: %d, current low cost: %d. \n", total, lowPrice);

    if (total<lowPrice)
      //update the lowprice and the sequence if finds a better solution
      #pragma omp critical

        for(int i=0; i<numCities; i++)
          int a=eachPerm[id][i];
      #pragma omp end critical


    total= 0; 

    std::next_permutation(eachPerm[id], eachPerm[id]+numCities);
  //while(std::next_permutation(CityNumbers+1, CityNumbers+numCities));// the first city is fixed

int main ()
  FILE *file = fopen("cityTable.txt", "r");
  char buff[25555];

  fscanf(file, "%s", buff); //get number of cities
  numCities = atoi(buff);
  printf ("total %d cities to go.\n",numCities);

  Cities= (int **) malloc(numCities*sizeof(int *));
  CityNames=(char *) malloc(numCities*sizeof(char));
  CityNumbers=(int *) malloc(numCities*sizeof(int));
  bestPath=(int *) malloc(numCities*sizeof(int));

  for (int i=0; i<numCities; i++)
    bestPath[i]=i; //give bestPath an initial value

  for ( int i=0; i < numCities; i++)
    //get the array of city names
    fscanf(file, "%s", buff);
    printf("%c ", CityNames[i]);


  for (int i=0; i<numCities; i++)

  for (int i=0; i< numCities; i++)
    fscanf(file, "%s", buff);   //waste a move
    Cities [i]= (int *) malloc(numCities* sizeof(int));
    for (int k=0; k<numCities; k++)
      fscanf(file, "%s", buff);
      Cities[i][k]=atoi(buff);    //get the price tables for the cities

  for(int i=0; i<numCities;i++)
    for(int k=0; k<numCities; k++)
      printf("%d ", Cities[i][k]);

  for (int i=0; i<numCities; i++)
      int destination=(i+1)%numCities;  
      lowPrice += Cities[i][destination]; //give lowprice an initial value; 

  // calculate number of permutations each thread need to go through
  int numTotalPerm, numEachPerm;
  int hold = 1;
  for (int i = (numCities-1); i>0; i--)
    hold = hold * i;
  numTotalPerm = hold;
  numEachPerm = numTotalPerm/NUM_THREADS;

  printf("TotalPerm: %d, NumEach: %d \n", numTotalPerm, numEachPerm);

  // start to split work for each thread
  int startPos = 0;
  eachPerm = (int **)malloc(NUM_THREADS * sizeof(int *));

  for (int i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++)
    int * ptr;
    eachPerm [i] = (int *) malloc (numCities * sizeof (int));

    ptr = Convert(startPos);

    printf("This Thread start: ");
    for( int e =0 ; e<numCities; e++)
      printf("%d", ptr[e]); 

    eachPerm[i] = ptr;

    startPos += numEachPerm;

  //printf("Great 3\n");
  //int checked=0;
  int id;

  #pragma omp parallel private(id)
    //printf("Great 4\n");
    id = omp_get_thread_num();
    printf("I'm thread: %d\n", id);

    find(id, numEachPerm);

  //after analysing all possibilities
  printf ("The lowest cost possible is: %d, if using the best route: ", lowPrice);

  for (int i =0; i<numCities; i++)
    printf("-%d", bestPath[i]);

  //clean up and exit

  for (int i=0; i<numCities; i++)



MPI Version

the MPI version is slitly different since the threads are all seperate

I am only posting the different part in main(), in which one thread has to gather the results of other threads and find the best route among them.

The code of find() and Convert() should have same functionalities.

//Parallel part
  int numtasks, rank, len, rc;
  char hostName[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];

  int init;

  if (init == 0); //if not been intialized
    rc =  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    if(rc != MPI_SUCCESS)
      MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rc);

  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numtasks);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  MPI_Get_processor_name(hostName, &len);
  //printf("Rank: %d Running on %s \n", rank, hostName);

// calculate work for each thread
  int startPos = 0;
  startPos += numEachPerm*rank;

  Convert(startPos, CityNumbers);

  printf("Thread %d start: ", rank);
  for( int e =0 ; e<numCities; e++)
    printf("%d", eachPerm[e]);  

//start to find best route within each thread

  int thisLow = 0;

  thisLow = find(numEachPerm);

//Gather all results and find the best one among them

  int worldLow;
  MPI_Reduce(&thisLow, &worldLow, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  int gatherLow[numCities];
  MPI_Gather(&thisLow, 1, MPI_INT, gatherLow, 1, MPI_INT, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if(rank == 1)
    printf("Gathered Low Costs: ");

    for(int i=0; i<numtasks; i++)
      printf("%d, ", gatherLow[i]);


  int gatherPath[numtasks][numCities];
  MPI_Gather(bestPath, numCities, MPI_INT, gatherPath, numCities, MPI_INT, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if(rank == 1)
    printf("Gathered best Paths: ");

    for(int i=0; i<numtasks; i++)
      for (int k = 0; k<numCities; k++)
        printf("%d, ", gatherPath[i][k]);

//after analysing all possibilities
  if(rank == 1)

    int total=0;
    int checked =0;
    int LP = 99999999;
    for (int q = 0; q < numtasks; q++)
      for (int i=0; i<numCities; i++)
        int from = gatherPath[q][i];
        int destination = gatherPath[q][(i+1)%numCities];   //return to the first city when get to the last one

        int cost = Cities[from][destination];
        //printf("from: %d, destination: %d, cost: %d \n", from, destination,cost);
        total += cost;  //calculate the total price

      if (total<LP)
        //update the lowprice and the sequence if finds a better solution

          for(int i = 0; i<numCities; i++)
            int a = gatherPath[q][i];
            finalPath[i] = a;
      total= 0; 
    printf ("The lowest cost possible is: %d, if using the best route: ",worldLow);

    for (int i =0; i<numCities; i++)
      printf("-%d", finalPath[i]);


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