We solved 4 problems in total and I solved 2 hard problems alone! Both problems have difficulty rating higher than 7.5!
Most dramatically, my solution to one problems was accepted in the very last minute! This made our team beat big insitutions like UK or UL, even some teams from UIUC or Uchicago!
Update: We received a congradulation letter from President Rush!
###Update: Our School have reported our achievement on its main website.
I am learning parallel computing this semester, and my project is to find the optimal solution of travelling
salesman problem in parallel. Since it is a NP problem, improving the efficiency in algorithm will be extremely hard. In order to increase the performance, we make the computations in parallel. I will demonstrate two ways to implement it in parallel, one with openmp and one with MPI.
Due to the embarassingly parallel nature of this problem, linear speed up can be achieved through both methods.
Input: table of 13 cities and traveling costs, seperated by space
OpenMP version
MPI Version
the MPI version is slitly different since the threads are all seperate
I am only posting the different part in main(), in which one thread has to gather the results of
other threads and find the best route among them.
The code of find() and Convert() should have same functionalities.
I am practicing for the ACM contest next month. Some of the problems are real tricky. My best record so far
is a problem of 8.2 difficulty rating. But even for the comparatively simple problem, there are some elegent
solutions instead of brute force.
My sample java solution for the lexicography problem
The key of this problem is an algorithm to find nth permutation
My sample java solution for the amalgamated problem
The input will be contants for a function. and the last input is number of auto-incremented x values.
The program is deisgned to find the largest deline of values among all points efficiently.
I have learned a lot about how the computer make decisions and discretions with bit-level operations.
Also, although brain-burning, using Bitwise operations in computation intensive-programming can substancially boost performance and efficiency.
So I think these stuff could be useful for my programming contests.
Here I have collected the labs problems and other puzzles I solved.
I spend a lot of time research, build, and custom this site, which is based on the hypster theme.
Differnent from using blogs provided by other companies, I have absolute freedom here.
I will update this as a programming blog, and write :
Things I learned in class
Projects I have done. Alone or with others.
Other cool things I find.
I don’t know how often I could update this because I am going to be very busy this year, but let’s see!